A Formal Analysis of Metal Gear Solid 4

Series Generally MGS MGS2 MGS3 Other (MG1, MG2, ZOE, Snatcher)
Sunny uses a GA-KO duck alarm clock. GA-KO has previously appeared as a capture-the-flag maguffin in the online modes of MGS3 and MPO. During Act III's Mission Briefing, Naomi wears the white hoodie overshirt that Otacon had worn at Shadow Moses. By visually likening her character design to Otacon's in MGS1, MGS4 reinforces the player's identification of her as fulfilling the Saga's "rescued scientist" trope. Naomi and Otacon's love recalls Emma's love for Otacon. Both are scientists; Snake's crew rescues Naomi as they had Emma in MGS2; and Otacon removes his glasses after recognizing his love for Naomi, recalling Emma's request that he do the same for her. MGS4 reinforces this association by preceding Otacon's and Naomi's love scene with an image of Emma lifted from MGS2 without being updated for MGS4's higher graphical resolution. Naomi wears a USB flash card around her neck. This recalls the bullet that Young Ocelot had worn around his neck to remember his first loss against Naked Snake. Snake's character design at the start of Act III resembles Gillian Seed's design from Snatcher.
Otacon iterates a stock lamentation: "It's us scienceholics who are doing [the military-industryal complex's] dirty work for them." See similar speeches from Otacon in MGS1, from Emma in MGS2, and from Sokolov in MGS3. Campbell provides a voice-over Briefing as Snake enters the Eastern Europe level via train, recalling his voice-over Briefing during Snake's infiltration of Shadow Moses. Ocelot requires "biometric data" to access SOP, recalling MGS2's use of President Johnson's biometrics as the final password for launching Arsenal Gear. Snake receives a Signal Interceptor item from Otacon. The item's abbreviated name, SIGINT, recalls the pseudonym of DARPA Chief Donald Anderson, who had served on Snake's support staff during MGS3. Act III's atmosphere places Snake as a low-key agent in a near-future city, recalling the settings of both Snatcher and Policenauts. MGS4 reinforces this association by placing iPod tunes from these games in Act III.
The Resistance member whistles a tune reminiscent of the Metal Gear Saga's traditional theme. Snake disavows his status as a hero to Meryl immediately after she recollects their time together as a couple. ("I'm no hero. Never was. Never will be.") This recalls Snake's attempts to distance himself from her veneration of him as a legend as well as the relationship that resulted from that hero-worship. Naomi becomes a surrogate mother figure for Sunny, recalling Sunny's lost mother from MGS2. MGS4 reinforces this association by showing monitor and framed images of MGS2's Olga. If Snake behaves suspiciously, he will attract attention from the Resistance member. The Resistance member's lean-forward-and-inspect animation closely resembles the same action of Graniny Gorki scientists in MGS3 if Snake behaves out of character. Raiden and Otacon mention a character named Dr. Madnar, recalling identically named robotics experts from Metal Gear 1, Metal Gear 2, and Snatcher.
Under certain conditions, the Resistance member will urinate on Snake. This recalls previous instances in the Saga wherein the player's character gets urinated upon. See the wolf-dog that urinates on Solid Snake's box in MGS1 and the Gurlukovich soldier's urination on Raiden in MGS2. When the Resistance member dons an enemy uniform, Snake must identify him in part by his different way of walking. This recalls Snake's need to identify Meryl apart from other Genome soldiers by her "cute way of walking." Sunny's relationship with Otacon resembles the Platonic aspects of his relationship with Emma. She treats him like an older brother, has superior hacking skills, and shares Emma's status as an orphan. Snake can destroy dormant vehicles under guard, recalling Naked Snake's option to destroy the Hind helicopter at Bolshaya Past Base. Snake allows himself to be captured by Meryl at the start of Act III, recalling his similar infiltration tactic during Metal Gear 1.
Act III regularly receives criticism for feeling like a non-MGS sequence. However, it is the first Act in MGS3 wherein Snake infiltrates an occupied region with patrol stations, recalling the usual contexts for infiltration in the Metal Gear Saga. Helicopter searchlights appear in several areas of Act III, recalling the helipad searchlights at the start of MGS1. Music resembling MGS2's "Can't Say Goodbye to Yesterday" plays while Otacon and Naomi chat before having sex. "Can't Say Goodbye to Yesterday" had played while Jack and Rose met in person at the end of MGS2, and the acoustic resemblance in MGS4 associates Naomi's and Otacon's relationship with Jack's and Rose's. Snake arrives in Eastern Europe wearing the Young Snake Facecamo. This recalls one of the possible openings of Virtuous Mission when Naked Snake wears the Raikov mask. The design of the Signal Interceptor recalls the radio designs from Metal Gears 1 and 2.
The end of Act IV features the first large info dump that ties the stories of the Metal Gear Saga together with revisions to the Saga's prior canon. This kind of retconning is typical of Metal Gear Saga titles. Snake receives a stunning revelation about his natural birth from his mother, recalling the stunning revelation about his natural birth that he had received during MGS1 from Liquid Snake, his brother. Act III's title suggests Solidus Snake's relationship to Liquid and Solid Snake, much as MGS2 had introduced him as "the other clone" without connecting his identity too closely to his brothers'. Snake's tracking of the Resistance member recalls Naked Snake's tracking of Raikov inside Groznyj Grad. Act III's tracking sequences ends at a church, recalling the end of Snatcher.
The Resistance member uses an enemy disguise to slip through the Raven PMC's ranks, recalling Solid Snake's use of an Enemy Uniform item to access Metal Gear 1's second building, Raiden's use of BDUs to infiltrate the Shell 1 core, and Naked Snake's use of Raikov's uniform (with mask) to infiltrate Sokolov's holding cell in Groznyj Grad in MGS3. Ocelot torments Snake with a combination of physical buffets and electric shocks. The electric shocks recall Snake's time on Ocelot's revolving torture bed in Shadow Moses. Ocelot's victory at the end of Act III resembles his victories at the end of both the Tanker Chapter of MGS2. In both, he kills a slew of highly skilled American soldiers while getting away with the games' respective "big weapon." Snake beats down several armed antagonists once reaching the Church, recalling Snake's defeat of the Ocelot Unit after reaching Sokolov's location at the end of MGS3's Virtuous Mission. Snake must track a wary insider to an unknown destination, recalling Metal Gear 2's green beret tracking sequence. The player must complete these sequences by following the mark, despite the possibility of knowing the destination beforehand.
    Snake waits for the Resistance member to input the Church's door's access code before taking him hostage, recalling Raiden's taking a Gurlukovich soldier hostage and using his eyes to access the Shell 1 Core's door. EVA uses the recoil of her Chinese Mauser to perform her signature spreadshot attack, first seen after her meet-up with Naked Snake during Operation Snake Eater. Dwarf Gekkos appear disguised as a person, recalling the way that Snatchers disguist themselves.
    Otacon encourages Snake to use sound cues when tracking the Resistance member, recalling when Raiden had been encouraged to listen for Ames' pacemaker with the Directional Microphone. Snake's and EVA's bike chase heavily resembles the escape sequence from MGS3, breaking into two segments. They first escape a phalanx of enemies in vehicles and then escape the pursuit of a mechanical boss, recalling Naked Snake's and EVA's flight first from GRU soldiers on bikes and then from the Shagohod. EVA (Big Mama) takes in war orphans for her Resistance as Big Boss had in Zanzibarland.
    EVA complains about the relationship between war orphans and videogames, recalling Raiden's role as a nexus between videogames and his past as a child soldier. Snake's and EVA's trek toward the Volta River recalls Naked Snake's escape through Groznyj Grad's sewers. Both MGS4's and MGS3's sequences end on a confrontation with Ocelot near a river. Snake uses contacts within a local Resistance to work against the PMCs as Snake had worked with the Resistance in Outer Heaven to work against Big Boss. (No small coincidence that there's a Dr. Pettrovich Madnar there too.)
    Ocelot stands off against a slew of US forces on boats beneath a bridge at the end of Act III, recalling his stand off against Dolph's Marines on board the Tanker and the Tanker's passage beneath the Verrazano Bridge. Snake is manipulated into killing his natural mother with FoxDie, recalling how Naked Snake had been manipulated into killing his symbolic mother, The Boss. Act III features a Resistance force fighting against occupation, recalling the Resistance force that resisted Big Boss's occupation of Galzburg as Outer Heaven.
    Ocelot uses Guns of the Patriots to hijack a number of military vessels, recalling his similar hijacking of the Tanker in MGS2. Snake acquires the Vz.83 submachine gun before Act III's bike chase, recalling the Scorpion that Naked Snake had found in Groznyj Grad before MGS3's bike chase. (The Scorpion had proven one of Naked Snake's more useful weapons during MGS3's bike escape due to its laser sight.) EVA's role as surrogate "parent" of war orphans recalls Big Boss's similar role as ward of war orphans at Zanzibarland in Metal Gear 2.
    Johnny's character design combines elements from the designs of Raiden and Young Solid Snake. If players use Autoaim rather than over-the-shoulder aiming, they can watch the escape sequence from a number of dynamic, filmic camera angles, recalling the same aspect of MGS3's bike escape. Snake's and EVA's escape through the sewer recalls Snake's and Gustav Heffner's escape through Zanzibarland's sewers in Metal Gear 2.
    Snake must lay cover fire for the Resistance member, recalling when Raiden did the same for Emma while she crossed the Oil Fence in the Big Shell. Snake's leaving EVA to fight Raven resembles Naked Snake's leaving EVA to fight The Boss. In both instances, EVA asks Snake to promise to return, and each Snake refuses to confirm that possibility.  
      Ocelot's cigar bounces off the Solid Eye, recalling how Naked Snake's eyepatch had deflected Ocelot's eye-poke during their standoff on board the WIG in MGS3.  
      Ocelot disarms and physically beats Snake to incapacitation, recalling many instances during MGS3 when The Boss had disarmed and defeated Snake.  
      The fire caused by Ocelot's Thor handrifle permanently scars the side of Snake's face. This recalls when exhaust from Ocelot's SAA permanently damaged Naked Snake's eye. In MGS3, Naked Snake pushed EVA out of Ocelot's juggling target sights, and Snake pushes EVA out of harm's way in MGS4.  
      Ocelot's hand signals for Guns of the Patriots resemble his signature hand gestures from MGS3.  
      Ocelot torments Snake with a combination of physical buffets and electric shocks. The physical attacks recall Volgin's brutal beatings of Naked Snake and Granin in Groznyj Grad.  
      Thunder and lightning effects herald Old Snake's learning that EVA was his mother, recalling the same effect and camera angle when Volgin realized that Naked Snake was after The Philosopher's Legacy.  
      The burns on the side of Snake's face recall Young Ocelot's singed cheek from the Shagohod's afterburn.  
      EVA's standing in fire visually resembles Volgin's fiery death atop the Shagohod.  

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